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School Address

639 North Bannock Street,

Glenns Ferry, ID 83623
Phone: 208 366-7434

Fax: 208-366-2056

District Office

800 Old Highway 30

Glenns Ferry, Idaho 83623

Phone: 208 366-7436

Fax: 208 366-7455


Board Members Email:

Rich Wootan, Zone 1

Nick Blanksma, Zone 2
Brenda Ortiz, Zone 3

Jordan Thomas, Zone 4

Mickie Strode, Zone 5


Driving Directions

If you are heading west on U.S. Highway 78 take exit 120 and turn right. The school will be immediately on your right. 


If you are heading west on U.S. Highway 78 take exit 121 and turn left. Take the first right on Frontage Rd (Old U.S. 30 ). Turn right on the third street on your right N. Bannock St. The school will be almost immediately on the left. 

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